WHERE: River Room, Glucksman Art Gallery, UCC
WHEN: Sunday 18th October 2009, 2:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Abortion Democracy: Poland/South Africa (www.abortion-democracy.de), a film about why illegal
abortions are easier to access in Poland than legal ones in South Africa, by Sarah Diehl (Germany); and The Coat Hanger Project (www.thecoathangerproject.com), about abortion rights activism in the US from 1973-present, by Angie Young (USA). Young's film was an Official Selection at the 2009 Rosebud Film Festival.
Ann Rossiter, feminist activist and academic, whose book on the work of the London-Irish women's underground support network for Irish women travelling for abortions was published this year, will perform a 15-20 minute one woman show at the beginning of the event.
Both filmmakers and performer Ann Rossiter will be present at the event. It is a unique and exciting opportunity to view and discuss their work.
This free film event is organised by UCC Women's Studies Programme.
Info on it is brought to you by Cork Women's Right to Choose Group.
Donations to CWRCG are welcome.
For more info on the films see our Facebook event page.